PerlPrimer project pages
The PerlPrimer project page on sourceforge.netSoftware
ActivePerl - Perl distribution for Win32 systems (includes Perl/Tk) for users who wish to run the source perl script. Windows users should download the latest Perl 5.8 release from hereSpidey - Automatic intron/exon mapping software (required for QPCR functionality)
REBASE data - Latest restriction enzyme data from the REBASE project
Perl/Tk - Required for PerlPrimer to run (already included with ActivePerl; should only be needed for some UNIX-based distributions, including Mac OS X)
libwww-perl - Required for BLAST searches and gene retrieval from Ensembl (only required on some UNIX-based systems)
Other applications
Python Contig Viewer - a contig alignment application for displaying SNPs and InDels that interacts with PerlPrimerPAR - the Perl scripts/modules used to create the Win32 stand-alone executable
NSIS - Nullsoft Scriptable Install System, used to create the Windows installer version of PerlPrimer